Friday 24 July 2015

Irregular Periods: 8 Common Causes You Need To Know

Some women often panic when their monthly cycle is a bit off. One month it either doesn’t appear or it shows up when least expected.Having a regular cycle means that the interval between periods is consistent. As mentioned earlier, it’s usually 28 days, but depending on the individual woman, can range from every 20 to every 35 days.Having an irregular cycle, means that the interval between periods varies each month. That is, sometimes they come every 28 days, sometimes every 20, sometimes every 30.

If your menstrual cycle is or has been a little off, you should know that there are many causes of irregular periods and that you’re not alone. In fact, about thirty percent of women will experience an irregular period at some time during their life.

Having irregular periods is very common. The causes can range from something insignificant to something that requires treatment. If you are worried about what’s causing your cycle to be off, below is a list of 8 causes of irregular periods for you to check out.

1. Stress:
This is one of the many causes of irregular periods. When you are under a high amount of stress, your body produces more of the hormone, cortisol. This creates a hormone imbalance and can throw your menstrual cycle off schedule. If you find that stress is what’s causing your irregular periods, try to find ways to get rid of high levels of stress and anxiety in your life.

2. Perimenopause:
This is the period of time when your body is preparing for menopause. During this transition time your body will slowly start producing less estrogen. For some women this transition only last for a few months, but for most women it last for about four years. During this time, women may experience irregular periods.

3. Diet:
What you eat can affect your menstrual cycle. If you are eating a diet that is rich in unhealthy carbohydrates and fats or a diet that’s low in vegetables, your cycle may be interrupted. If you’ve been restricting your calorie intake in an attempt to lose weight, it can cause your cycle to be irregular, as well. Regular exercise combined with a healthy diet is a great way to help keep your menstrual cycle regular.

4. Certain medications:
Certain medications trigger irregular period. Some of the common over the counter medications which we take for the common cold or allergies can cause an irregular period. Sometimes the drugs you take when you are sick could be the reason your period is irregular. If your period is irregular because of a medication, it should be temporary and your period should be back to normal in no time.

5. Uterine Fibroids:
These are benign tumors that develop on the walls of the uterus, Many women who develop uterine fibroids won’t have any symptoms, but some will experience irregular periods, heavy or prolonged periods, frequent urination, and pelvic pain.

6. Endometriosis:
This occurs when the endometrial tissue starts to grow outside the uterus. Endometriosis may cause abnormal bleeding, cramps or pain before and during periods, and painful intercourse.

7. The pill:
Birth control pills can make your periods lighter, or cause you to miss periods or have less or more frequent periods or even no periods at all.

8. Age:
When teens first start having periods, their menstrual cycles may not always be on the same schedule every month. It may take several years to settle into a pattern. In addition, missed periods and lighter or heavier periods are common as women near menopause.
Having irregular periods can be frustrating. If this is a reoccurring problem for you, it’s best to speak with your doctor. Do you know of any other causes of irregular periods that you’d like to add to the list? I can’t wait to hear from you.

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